Woven Tapestries

We makers put an incredible amount of work (time, money, energy, love) into creating something and then bravely share it with loved ones and strangers. It’s been about 20 years since I put my creative self out for judgement. It’s a vulnerable process, putting our work out into the world. There’s no hiding an initial gut response to artwork. I think you can tell immediately if someone is drawn to it or repelled - or, in some cases, in love or disinterested (perhaps the worst of all options).

When I started making tapestry weavings, I was motivated by the materials - I so enjoy the feel of yarns in my hands, the play of vivid colors. I created pieces that I loved spending time with, that kept me excited about the process. And I hoped that the end result would be work that would generate notice.


Woven Color Field Studies


Flora + Fauna